Friday, January 13, 2012

Friday Art Poll

I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn't say any other way - things I had no words for.
--Georgia O’Keefe

Today, share your most go –to color or colors.  What are your most trusted shades in your work and your life?  what resonates about your most-used colors?
would love to see your response in the comments! 


  1. For me, definitely metals, pale aqua and other blues, and ambers. It's hard to pick - but I really see these a lot in my favorite work.

  2. Can I maybe go with my least favorite? (giggle) I don't care much for orange unless it is more of a russet or deep orange as in fall colors. I have always loved lavenders and plum shades. Those are my 'pick me up, feel good' colors. Copper and turquoise is a combination I tend to like to work with in jewelry and sometimes painting; pastels in my stitching or crafts; brights in my wardrobe along with black. What resonates? I love color, what can I say...but I also love neutral. OK, TMI, more info than you need or want. I'm undecisive~lol.

  3. it's kind of like picking a favorite child! That is why I went with "go-to" instead of "favorite."
    I used to dislike orange but I like it more and more...

  4. I could take a knife and cut off the right one-third of the above color scheme and those are the only colors I daughter calls them the "cool" colors..turquoise, blue through purple, though I do have some pinks & reds (my kids are crimson bears after all).

    I look like death in green, yellow and orange, so I guess you could say red is a step-child.

  5. Clever girl; I like the Friday poll link to your blog, what a treat!
    Some of my go-to colors have evolved over the years, such as with selections for our home, etc. but my wardrobe colors have remained remarkably consistent: black, neutrals, silver, and blue--especially navy, turquoise, and purple-y shades. For home, I tend to favor earth tones, especially greens, and deeper shades with a bright accent of yet other colors I rarely wear: red or orange.

  6. Red, red & red. With a little black or grey thrown in. I like yellow and orange too, but no blue. Definitely NOT a blue person.

  7. Hi Beth! I'm another red girl... and most any deep, intense jewel tone with some metal thrown in!

  8. Well, besides Turquoise, Black, the russet colors of fall, cream, silver,and a favorite seed bead that is the color of the old carnival glass, kind of a goldy coppery kind of color, I also have become enamored of olive green. Well, I really do love red, I don't use it a lot, but I also use a lot of cobalt blue. I must admit though I use a lot of black, it seems to compliment the other colors so well. Happy Beading.

  9. Although I don't really use them in beading, my fav color combo is still the same as in my Big-Box-of-100 Crayolas from around age 4: Midnight Blue and Burnt Sienna.

  10. GRAY definitely ! I have so many shades of it and I use it for everything. Each project has it's own color scheme but they all have gray. In life though I like greens and blues, my favorite old sweatshirt is a fern green...
    ps love the poll, it's fun
