I have to say, this month has been full of fun, but with an exception or two. For example, I can’t remember having so many glitches and technical problems with my “Day Job” It is humbling when Murphy’s Law not only visits but does not get up off the couch and go home! Thanks to my wonderful colleagues and my awesome clients, I’m happy it is now March with (knocking wood) a smoother month ahead.
For the BJP, I have committed to making beaded hair ornaments, and possibly will make some cuffs some months, at my own whim. Last year I did Journal Covers (although I did not complete the full 12 yet). Here I want to share my Piece for February:

Side view
As you can see, it has some dimension, as I repurposed one of my own beaded Brooches as a focal piece. I had fun with this and like that it has a loose element that is kind of primitive in some areas. It is not finished yet but it is close. But here is the thing: I don’t think it is a barrette. now that I am this far, I think this may well be, in fact, a journal cover. I’d love to know what any viewer thinks about this. Maybe I will change my mind. It has been fun to work on and I’ll post it in it’s final form when it is completed.
There is even more to this month that is exciting as well, but I will save this for Part Two…
Thank you for looking at my work, and as always your comments and critiques are so appreciated.